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- Board Policy and Administrative Procedures
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- SECTION E: Instruction
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- SECTION EA | Academic Calendar
- SECTION EB | Alternative Methods of Instruction
- SECTION EC | Course Load
- SECTION ED | Instructional Resources
- SECTION EE | Instructional Programs
- SECTION EF | Special Programs
- SECTION EG | Academic Achievement
- SECTION EH | Testing
- SECTION EI | Academic Freedom and Responsibility
- SECTION EJ | Faculty Governance
- SECTION EK | Faculty Code of Professional Ethics
Academic Calendar
The academic calendar is initiated by the Executive Dean of Academic Studies and established no later than February of each year through a consultation process that includes Deans, Registrar, Bursar and Financial Aid representatives. This calendar shall establish semester start and end dates, and include registration, payment, census, and drop dates for each established semester during the academic year. The official College calendar is published online in the College Catalog and can be altered only by the Leadership Team. All employees are subject to the dates published in the official College Calendar.
The term College Year is synonymous with the College Fiscal Year and represents a twelve (12) month period beginning September 1 and ending August 31 of the next calendar year.
The academic year consists of fall, spring and summer semesters. Fall and spring semesters shall normally include 15 weeks of instruction and one week for final examinations or a total of 16 weeks instruction and examinations combined. Every fall semester will end before Christmas, but not later than December 23. Each of the two summer terms shall include no less than 5 ½ calendar weeks, including registration, instructions, and final examinations. Regardless of the number of weeks in any semester, including minimester, and first or second eight-week semesters, the College will ensure that sufficient clock hours of instruction are present to meet academic requirement for contact hour production.
According to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, a public university or community, technical, or state college that begins its fall and spring semester and its first summer term within 7 days of the date set by the common calendar is in compliance with the common calendar and does not require a waiver.
Statutory holidays are observed on the dates noted, or on alternate dates if the holiday falls on a weekend, and include:
New Year’s Day (January 1)
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (third Monday in January)
Spring Break
Good Friday
Memorial Day (last Monday in May)
Junteenth (June 19)
Independence Day (July 4)
Labor Day (first Monday in September)
Thanksgiving break
Christmas Break
New Year’s Day
The Board of Trustees may declare other days to be holidays and close the college when good reason exists.
UPDATED: 2022, 2024